A trip planned on what the weatherman said was sunny all day. He was wrong suprise suprise. Started early arriving at Gibraltor point at 8:00 am. I searched for the Pectoral Sandpiper, succesfully locating the bird whilst in the North hide. Also present 2 Spotted Redshank another lifer for myself. 5 Spoonbill, 22 Greenshank, 9 eider, Flocks of Common Scotter, 1 Green Sandpiper, 6 Snipe among other stuff. Then onto Frampton for the Red-necked Phalarope another lifer for me present on the scrapes, My first views of the bird also saw another Pectoral sandpiper in the same view, with Wood Sandpiper in the scope aswell! Also around Pintail, Curlew Sandpiper, Wigeon, Avocet and Little Egret. I then went home Via Covenham Res just for Common Sandpiper to make it 5 Sandpipers in one day ! Also a Sandwich Tern my first at Covenham. Life list now at 218.
Green Sandpiper |
Black and White Little Egret |
Normal color Little Egret |
B+W Little Egret |
Little Egret |
Sandwich Tern |
Common Tern |
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